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MiCA’s White Paper Model Form


19 July 2023

We are sharing with you our White Paper Model Form. This initiative discards the traditionally verbose guidelines on drafting white papers and replaces them with a visually intuitive model that simplifies the inclusion of required information.

The Model Form is the first in a series of visual content tools designed to facilitate smoother navigation through the complexities of crypto-asset projects. It delivers a list of valuable insights while eliminating the frustration of interpreting and implementing extensive guidelines.

Please note that our Model Form, as any content from our Website, is governed by our terms, accessible at CASP Terms and Conditions. It serves as an initial reference, not as a substitute for legal, financial, or investment advice. For your specific circumstances and project, you should seek advice from qualified legal professionals. You may contact us via the contact form available on the website.

Stay tuned for more developments in our visually-focused content series.

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